Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Generation Eraser

Today went to meet one of family friend who was ill for few days. I had impression she had some minor surgeory. Although they didn't disclose what illness is but from her discussion it looks like she had some major problem. I had tough time to see her bedridden
since lady was in very good health just two months back -- very discipline, active, health consious.

Last couple of years whatever place I visit, I see lot of people from parents generation just vanished.. or whoever is alive are hardly active. We say life span has increased from 60-80 or 90s but I see so many relatives in their sixties getting wiped out.

If we look back be it native place, work place you notice same thing, giant erasor has removed some people from scene along with your memories, they shared with you. It gives me big void in my brain. New generation busy with their new technological world, while my generation keeping pace with new generation + solving their own issues.

In short place is becoming very align to me ..

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